Katy j pearson
Radio show

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A hazy dusk falls on a crossroads somewhere between Gloucestershire and Bristol. A wooden signpost points in two directions: good ol’ fashioned country heartache to the left; effortless pop hooks to the right – and underneath, cross-legged on still-warm car bonnet, sits Katy J Pearson, strumming an acoustic guitar as she spins a tale of blossoming dancefloor romance.

Katy cut her teeth by working alongside her brother as part of dream-pop duo Ardyn, but has really found her own voice since going solo, now signed to renowned label Heavenly Recordings.

Her first single ‘Tonight’ is the product of scrapping everything and going back to basics, writing for her own enjoyment and “no longer writing songs for men in suits, or trying to impress them”. The springy riffs and sweet, upbeat melody of ‘Tonight’ were gently coaxed into being in Katy’s home city of Bristol, in her own time and on her own terms; the antithesis of the fast-paced, surreal and London-centric blur of her previous musical career.
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episode 2 - 17th May 2020

episode 1 - 10th May 2020